Welcome to QCDD

QCDD (Queens Council on Development Disabilities)

If you would like to sign-up to receive email updates and alerts please send an email to [email protected] with “QCDD Email” in the email subject.

Payment for your 2024-25 for provider membership dues are still being collected.
Click here for the membership dues letter if you have not paid your agency dues yet.

Upcoming Events

2024 Family Support Resource Fair

THIS IS A FREE EVENT FOR FAMILIES. There is a fee for vendor/agency table registration.

(but still requires registration!)

Please use the link below for both families and the vendor/agency table registration:


Bring your printed ticket or have it on your phone. Thank You!


  • The Resource Fair will have over 65 providers throughout the day from 9:30am – 2:00pm.
  • Families can attend the fair any time throughout the day and meet with providers, CCOs and Government entities.
  • Opportunities for parent and provider meet and greet sessions to discuss specific topics such as benefits, transition, and enrollment will be available. A panel discussion of professionals is tentatively scheduled for 11:30am. Topic TBD.
  • Breakfast/Refreshments will be served.
  • Announcing the winners of the June Marcus & Beverly Berger Awards.

(click here for flyer)

A Special Thanks To Our Sponsors




Next QCDD Full Council Meeting
November 4, 2024 at 9:30am

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 4434 2973

One tap mobile
+19294362866,,82944342973# US (New York)
+16469313860,,82944342973# US

Upcoming Dates:


Get Matched to New Board Members!



Special Education Training-Know Your Rights: The Disability Justice Program of New York Lawyers for the Public Interest (NYLPI) is offering FREE special education training.

English on Tuesday, November 14, 2024, from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Register Here: https://tinyurl.com/yc63c3ez


Spanish on Thursday, November 14, 2024, from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Register Here: https://tinyurl.com/3z4m584y

Adult Transition Committee Meeting
October 9, 2024 at 9:30am

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 868 661 8096

Upcoming Dates:

11/20/24, 1/15/25, 3/19/25, 4/23/25, 5/14/25

Past Events

Date: October 7, 2024 – QCDD Monthly Meeting

Meeting Recording and chat transcript:


Date: September 19, 2024 – QCDD SelfDetermination/SelfDirection Committee

View the recording here:


Date: September 9, 2024 – QCDD Monthly Meeting

Meeting Recording and chat transcript:


Date: June 3, 2024 – QCDD Monthly Meeting

Meeting Recording and chat transcript:

Date: May 14, 2024 – QCDD Family and Community Supports Committee Meeting

Meeting Recording and chat transcript:


Passcode: HM$JYa1L

Date: May 6, 2024 – QCDD Monthly Meeting

Meeting Recording and chat transcript:

NYDA Rally in Albany 0n 4/3/2024

On Wednesday, April 3, 2024, hundreds of advocates and providers gathered in Albany as a last push before a State Budget is negotiated and passed. We urged the state legislature to invest in the future of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and the people who support them. 

(click here to view more pictures from the rally)

Date: April 1, 2024 QCDD Monthly Meeting

Meeting Recording and chat transcript:


Date: February 13, 2024 – QCDD Children’s Committee Meeting

Understanding Managed (AKA Integrated) Care for Youth with IDD – with Susan Constantino

Meeting Recording and chat transcript:

Meeting Recording and chat transcript:


Date: January 8, 2024 – QCDD Monthly Meeting

Meeting Recording and chat transcript:


Date: December 12, 2023 – QCDD SelfDetermination/SelfDirection Committee

View the recording here:


Date: December 4, 2023 – QCDD Children’s Committee

Meeting Recording and chat transcript:


Passcode: !m0A#zQP


Date: November 6, 2023 – QCDD Monthly Meeting

Date: September 21, 2023 – QCDD SelfDetermination/SelfDirection Committee

View the recording here:

Topic: Community Building

Date: September 21, 2023

Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Presenter Sandi Cooper, Executive Director, Neighbours, Inc.

Register for the meeting here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/ tZYod–opz0tEtNxcqCJdQR7-ulJNlXL5bGc#/ registration 

All are welcome to attend. Broker certificates will be available.


Date: September 18, 2023 – QCDD Monthly Meeting

Meeting Recording and chat transcript: https://qsac.zoom.us/rec/share/TLhpDSXSo2fxv5TjBiQDxBHOc89gLmRjSQmoE6frCZIYw2EqO-Vh3GzbqoVmZC1r.jdeAFQngSK2i-NLf


Date: May 1, 2023 – QCDD Monthly Meeting

2023 QCDD Family Support Conference Resource Fair


Virtual Conference on Aging in the I/DD Community

Full Conference Videos and Presentation Material Links Below

Thank you for all those who attended the conference on Aging in the Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Community that was held on Tuesday, July 18, 2023 via Zoom. Please take a moment to complete an evaluation for each session you attended.
Please use this link to access the conference evaluation site:


Thank you in advance for taking the time to provide us with feedback about your experience. If you experience any technical difficulties with the evaluation site, please contact [email protected] or (212) 244-5560 x2016.

Video and Chat Transcript:

Video and Chat Transcript:
Presentation Materials:


Presentation Materials:

Video and Chat Transcript:
Presentation Materials:

Video and Chat Transcript:
Presentation Materials:


Now Available! 4.12 Webinar re: Overview of Draft OPWDD 1915 (c) Comprehensive Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver Amendment Effective October 1, 2023

A recording of the Draft October 1, 2023 OPWDD Comprehensive Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver Amendment webinar has been posted to the OPWDD website at: 



QCDD joins the nation in mourning the loss of Judy Heumann. A champion for disability rights, Judy led the fight for civil rights for people with disabilities.

Judith Heumann, 2014 (cropped)

Judy Heumann, 1947-2023
Advocate for the Rights of People with Disabilities

From her earliest advocacy as a camper at Camp Jened to the halls of Congress and the White House, Judy  impacted the lives of millions of Americans with disabilities and their families.

Her advocacy resulted in the passage of the Rehabilitation Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. We will remember Judy for her tireless efforts on behalf of people with disabilities across the United States and worldwide. Her legacy will continue to inspire us.


Thank you for joining us at the 2023 Virtual 5 Borough Legislative Breakfast

Click here to view the full event online.

Please share this with your colleagues, neighbors, family, and friends. 

Who We Are

The Queens Council on Developmental Disabilities is a group of professionals, parents, and advocates concerned about people with developmental disabilities living in Queens. The Council is authorized by Mental Hygiene Law to advise local and state government on service development and local priorities in regards to city and state resource allocations.

The mission of the Queens Council is to advise, inform, pioneer, identify needs and problems and to work toward their resolution.

The meetings of the Council and its committees provide a forum for discussion about situations which impact on the individuals with developmental disabilities and on the service systems.

The Council’s work often leads to positive changes in the service delivery system providing services to individuals with developmental disabilities.

The Council consists of several committees focused on addressing unmet needs of Queens residents with developmental disabilities.

The Council is charged with assisting and advocating for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

Our Partners